Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Advent Lutheran Church 50th Anniversary

This past weekend was a mountaintop experience for me. I was invited to return to Advent Lutheran Church, Cleveland, Ohio to participate in the 50th anniversary of the congregation. I served as pastor there from June 1975 until June 1987. The banquet was held on Friday, 22 June at The Manor-Center Complex. It was amazing to see so many people who were or continue to be members of the congregation. Dr. Richard Stewart was the quest speaker for the evening. He gave a presentation utilizing PowerPoint so people were able to see the the churches that Pastor Allen Youngblood served before becoming the Mission Developer and first Pastor of Advent. Dr. Stewart grew up at Ascension Lutheran Church in Toledo, Ohio where Youngblood was pastor prior to coming to Cleveland. Ms. Linda Thomas-Lee was the chairperson for the event. She grew up in the congregation. One comment she made at end of the program was so telling of the Christian community and tradition, "I never thought when I was a little girl in Sunday School that I'd be standing here before you at this 50th anniversary dinner."

On Sunday, I was the guest preacher for the liturgy where Pastor Killings (the present pastor of Advent) presided. Again, to see some of the faces of members during my time there was a thrilling experience. I also looked out and could remember family members who were not longer present because they had died. I was completely floored before the service began and saw Pr. Kimberly
Vaughn. She was a former confirmation student and now a pastor in Canton, Ohio. Pr. Bruce Hathaway and his spouse, Kristi also came. Hathaway and I were diligent about doing our exegesis for the coming Sunday. During busy times in the church year, we would meet at early as 7 AM in the morning. Those of you who know me, that is not my favorite time of day, but we were committed to be as thorough as possible in our proclamation of God's Word to our parishioners.

The liturgy brought a lot of memories, too. Thelma Williams was the musician and Kathy Foster Manual sang to solos. Thelma was choir director when I was pastor and for one or two summers helped me with Vacation Church School. Kathy was in my first, First-Communion class at Advent.

I was fortunate in that I was able to stay with my good friends, Charles and Carolyn Jackson.  The only problem with staying with them is that the food is so good, I overeat. We are able to have good conversations with lots of memories and laughter.

Although it has been 25 years since I left Advent to accept the call to teach at Gettysburg Seminary, the people and ministry of Advent Lutheran Church will always be a part of me. I have certainly been blessed by their presence in my lives. It was an honor and privilege to serve Advent as pastor. It was an honor and privilege to be a part of Advent's 50th Anniversay. Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reflecting on 39 years

Today is my 39th anniversary of ordination. On 10 June 1973 I was ordained by the Metropolitan Synod of the Lutheran Church in America to the Office of Word and Sacrament. The ordination took place at Epiphany Lutheran Church, my home congregation in Brooklyn, New York. I have been blessed to have a variety of experiences in the church since that time. My first call was as co-pastor to the three Lutheran parishes on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. I had specific responsibilities in Christian education, youth, and social ministry. My second call was in Cleveland, Ohio at Advent Lutheran Church. These two calls prepared me for my present call as Professor of Christian/Religious Education at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. I have served at the seminary since 1987. I have been blessed by and thankful for the experiences and encounters with people within and outside of the church. Soli Deo Gloria!